Also known as the furcula, this bone found in turkeys and most other birds has been thought to bring good fortune since Roman times.
The tradition of breaking a wishbone dates from the early 17th century. The Pilgrims are known to have practiced this custom, although it's unknown if they ever did so at the first Thanksgiving.
Among the works of this film director are Do the Right Thing (1989), Malcom X (1992) and BlacKkKlansman (2018).
Do the Right Thing received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay. BlacKkKlansman would receive 6 nominations and Lee would win Best Adapted Screenplay.
In Greek myth, this Goddess was tricked into eating the seeds of the pomegranate while in the underworld, which obliged to spend a third of each year there.
The story of Persephone's yearly sojourn to the underwold was used explain the origin of the four seasons. The ancient Greeks believed during those months the under earth went barren, resulting in autumn and winter.
Before it was largely replaced by the fuel injector in modern automobiles, this device was used by internal combustion engines to control the mix of air and fuel.
In the US and Europe, carburetors were largely replaced by fuel injection in the late 1980s. One of the last motorsport users of carburetors was NASCAR, which switched to electronic fuel injection after the 2011 Sprint Cup series.
The doctrine that courts will adhere to precedent in making their decisions is known by this Latin term.
The literal meaning of the term is "to stand by things decided".
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